IT Sicherheit

With our personalised IT security service, we guarantee to protect you from cyber-attacks, thereby protecting you from serious financial losses and legal liabilities. A robust IT backbone is a must-have for any 21st century business, and we infuse this element with 100% protection.

What does it mean?

IT security is like the security lock on your home. Just as we don't want strangers breaking into our homes and stealing or damaging our valuables, we don't want unauthorised people gaining access to our digital data or systems.

In the digital space, an appropriate and secure IT environment is key. Without it, you can be robbed of money or information, giving your competitors a competitive advantage. IT security is not an optional subject: it is a must for every company that uses the internet.

Our experts will draw up a security plan based on preliminary assessments, and then develop the infrastructure needed to ensure a secure operation that is both ISO 27001 and GDPR compliant.

Who can benefit?

For everyone who has something on the Internet. If even one piece of private data - which could be the name of an employee - is made public, you could be fined heavily under GDPR rules. So with the right IT security, you're protected from huge financial risks.

How do we maintain stability?

Brands frequently used by our customers:

netgate fortinet
cisco tenable
symantec veeam
microsoft vyos

Software that we support most often:

withsecure nod32
wireshark nessus
nmap burp
hashcat snort
Squid kali linux

This is a useful article on the subject:

How can we help your company?

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